Unraveling the potential of seagrass and macroalgal ecosystems as climate change refugia

2024. Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC)

Seminar series

ICM Friday talks

Speaker: Aurora M Ricart

AUDIO: English / SLIDES: English

Location: Barcelona (Spain)


Seagrass Meadows: Unsung Heroes in Combating Climate Change?

Seagrass Meadows: Unsung Heroes in Combating Climate Change?

2021. National Marine Sanctuaries

Webinar Series

Speakers: Aurora M Ricart & Melissa Ward

AUDIO: English / SLIDES: English

Online event


Ocean Acidification and the Role of Seagrasses in Mitigation by Drs. Aurora Ricart and Yan Xiang Ow

Can Seagrasses Turn Back the Clock on Ocean Acidification?

2021. World Seagrass Conference & Internation Seagrass Biology Workshop

Pre-event seminar series

Speakers: Aurora M Ricart

AUDIO: English / SLIDES: English

Online event


Insights Into Seascape Ecology: Landscape Patterns as Drivers in Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Insights Into Seascape Ecology: Landscape Patterns as Drivers in Coastal Marine Ecosystems

2017. Seminars CEAB – CSIC

Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Speaker: Aurora M Ricart

AUDIO: Catalan / SLIDES: English

Location: Blanes (Spain)



From Physiology to the Seascape. A Multi-Scale Approach to the Ecology of Seagrasses

From Physiology to the Seascape. A Multi-Scale Approach to the Ecology of Seagrasses

2014. 2a JIPI Jornades d’Investigadors Predoctorals Interdisciplinàries, Universitat de Barcelona

Speakers: Neus Sanmartí & Aurora M Ricart

AUDIO: English / SLIDES: English

Location: Barcelona (Spain)






  • 2021. Ask the Scientist. Q&A activity for 5th-12th grade students, undergraduates, teachers and parents. Estuary & Ocean Science Center, San Francisco State University, United States.
  • 2020-present. Contributor to the Environment section of “La Bellota” a local magazine in Manuel, València, Spain.
  • 2019. The Secrets of the Seagrass Ecosystem. 2-days practical activity within the classroom for primary school children. Bodega Bay Elementary School, California, United States.
  • 2019. Do you See-Grass? Talk at the Science Communication Series “Science Uncorked” targeted to all audiences, Gourmet Au Bay Wine Bar, Bodega Bay, California, United States.
  • 2017. Point Reyes National Seashore Research Outreach Event for schools. Annual workshop for primary school children (2 times). Point Reyes Primary School, California, United States.