- 2024. TV News. ARD German TV (min 00:48): “UN-Ozeankonferenz warnt vor Versauerung der Meere”
- 2024. TV News. ARD German TV: “Wie Seegras dem Klima hilft”
- 2024. TV News. RTVE website (min 15:48): L’acidificació, un dels fenòmens que pateix especialment el mar Mediterrani.
- 2024. TV News. RTVE informativos: (min 47) “Telediario”.
- 2024. Newspaper article. El País: “España recupera cerebros ‘fugados’ con el regreso de un centenar de investigadores becados”
- 2024. Newspaper article. El Levante: “Una investigadora de València recibe una beca de la Fundación «la Caixa» para realizar su posdoctorado”
- 2023. Report article – National Geographic: “Could seaweed be the ‘fastest and least expensive’ tool to fight climate change?“
- 2023. News article – The Verge. “It’s time to put oceans to the test in the climate fight, scientists say“
- 2023. News article – The Hill. “We’re past the point of no return on climate emissions — it’s time we turn to carbon removal“
- 2023. Interview – Newsletter ICM-CSIC. “In Depth interview“.
- 2022. News article – The Scientist: “Seagrasses Continue to Emit Methane Decades After Death”
- 2021. Editor’s Choice – Science: “Seagrass offsets acidification“
- 2021. Radio program – Yale Climate Connections: “Seagrass can help reduce ocean acidification at local scales”
- 2021. News article – Scientific American: “Seagrass Forests Counteract Ocean Acidification”
- 2021. News article – Forbes: “Scientists Find Underwater Plants Can Combat Ocean Acidification”
- 2021. Newspaper article – San Francisco Chronicle: “Underwater meadows of California seagrass found to reverse symptom of climate change”
- 2021. News article – Reuters: “Shrinking sea meadows store more carbon than forests. Scientists are racing to track what’s left“
- 2021. Newspaper article – The Independent: “Scientists race to track shrinking carbon-store sea meadows“
- 2021. Multimedia article – RTP Noticias: “Pradarias marinhas podem reverter acidificação da água do mar“
- 2021. Newspaper article – Público: “Pradarias marinhas podem reverter acidificação da água do mar“
- 2021. Multimedia article – E&E News: “Underwater meadows could help reverse acidification”
- 2021. Multimedia article – NBC News: “Shrinking sea meadows add to carbon emission concerns”
- 2021. Newspaper article – Der Spiegel: “Seegras, die Hoffnung für den Klimaschutz”
- 2021. Newspaper article – The Times of India: “Shrinking sea meadows store more carbon than forests”
- 2021. Newspaper article – Bangor Daily News: “Maine lab to research kelp farming to combat climate change”
- 2021. Newspaper article – Press Herald: “Bigelow Laboratory to research whether kelp farming can combat climate change”
- 2021. Multimedia article – Blog of the Coastal and Marine Science Institute – University of California Davis: “Kelp: California’s Coastal Forests”
- 2020. Multimedia article – News of the Coastal and Marine Science Institute – University of California Davis: “Kelp is on the way”
- 2020. Multimedia article – Science and Climate Blog – University of California, Davis: “Kelp is on the way”
- 2020. Multimedia article – News of the Coastal and Marine Science Institute – University of California Davis: “High variability of Blue Carbon storage in seagrass meadows at the estuary scale”
- 2020. Multimedia article – Massive Science: “Some seagrasses work harder than others to slow climate change”
- 2018. Newspaper article – Los Angeles Times: “Researchers in Newport optimistic that eelgrass can reduce carbon and acidity in seawater”
- 2018. News article – Medill Reports Chicago: “Shell stuff: Monitoring the health of California’s shellfish amid climate change“